

Sitting down to start my goals for 2022 both personally and professionally I am excited. I am a goal-oriented person. There is a sweet satisfaction in accomplishing something new. As I set my goals for the year, I also like to think of a word to represent the year. This year I found this word in a word find puzzle that a friend posted on her page. It said the first four words you find are your theme for the year. I knew “breakthrough” was meant for me. 


Thinking back on 2021 I had met my goals at work mid-way through the year. Personally, I still had a few goals looming over my head. Midway through the year I had also started running to train for the TC 10-mile race (Thanks to a crazy idea from my sister-in-law and multiple other crazy people that said they would do this with me 😊). I love these people that push me to be better. I have always hated running, but found myself truly appreciating the time and space it created for me. My mind and spirit felt freedom with each foot pounding the pavement. Freedom to think and be myself. Freedom to let God in. Freedom to let God work on some of those personal goals looming. It was out of this time that I broke through some of the barriers holding me back from starting a photography business. For me, the hard part wasn't starting the business it was sharing my photos (an extension of myself) with the world. I have hidden both for so many years out of fear of rejection and criticism from others. As I was running last summer, I heard the old Sunday School song in my head, "Don't let Satan blow it out. I am going to let it shine." Then pretty soon, "This little light of mine. I am going to let it shine.” It became clearer and clearer, louder and louder, until I felt it pounding inside of me like a battle hymn. I knew it was time to stop hiding my photography, stop hiding myself, stop hiding the talents that God has given me. By the way, I do the same thing at work. I try to camouflage into the background as to not be noticed. I have what is called, Imposter Syndrome. I think that everyone else is more talented and that my skills aren’t good enough. Needless to say, this is a goal to break this cycle at work more this year too.


As I write out my personal goals for 2022 many of them are probably pretty boring, more self-care by eating more fruits and veggies and drinking more water. I’d also like to run 1-2 10k’s this year to continue unleashing the good that I found last year. Another goal is to continue to release and grow my creativity through knitting and photography. A third goal is to breakthrough my fear of failure by pressing on to learn how to ski with my kids and hardest of all for me, to continue sharing my photos.

After writing out my goals for 2022 and reflecting on them overnight I found myself writing one more goal, “stop hiding my skills, my talents, myself.” Right after I wrote those words, I read Psalm 31:20, “Hide in the secret of God’s presence” and Psalm 32:6 “When I kept silent, my bones grew old.” Suddenly my “goals” have more meaning than ever before. I will take 2022 to stop being silent about who I am, stop hiding my talents, and the only hiding I will be doing is in the shelter of the Most High. “BREAKTHROUGH” is my theme for 2022! I pray all of you will breakthrough in the areas most needed in your life too.


The photo I shared in this post is from Waimea Canyon, Kauai. This was one of the many spectacular sites visited during my trip with Mike celebrating our 20 year wedding anniversary.


Blessings, Ang